What are the benefits of working with a Coach?

You may have heard that Coaching can help you in your personal life or Business, but aren’t quite sure of the benefits or even what it involves.

Key benefits of Coaching

There are countless reasons why you might get a Coach. Here are the benefits that I think matter the most.


A coach brings new and deeper levels of awareness. What we are aware of we can control. What we are unaware of controls us.


For things to get better you have to get better. Self belief, self motivation, choice, clarity, commitment, awareness, responsibility and action are the products of coaching.


We all perform better when we are made to hold ourselves to a higher standard.

Studies have shown what gets people better results in achieving their goals. If you have a specific accountability partner you will increase your chances of achieving your goal by 95%.

10% achieved
Idea + decision
40% achieved
Idea + decision + plan of action
50% achieved
Idea + decision + plan of action + tell someone
65% achieved
Idea + decision + plan of action + tell someone and report back results
90% achieved

Coaching provides the clarity to plan better and take more effective action.

The additional key component that Coaching brings, is accountability. Quite simply, we all perform better when held accountable to a higher standard.

Move beyond talk and take action today.

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